Research Ethics Education

Responsible Conduct of Research Short Course

The Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine provides an annual five-session course in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). This course is open to recipients of NIH training grants and fulfills the NIH requirement for RCR education for trainees. Each hour and three-quarter session includes a 30-45-minute lecture followed by an hour of facilitated, small-group case discussions. The Fall 2024 RCR short course will be held on Wednesdays, September 11 - October 9 at 8:00-9:45AM on Zoom.

Session topics include ethical issues and underlying challenges in research; authorship, peer review, and publication; bias and other subjective influences in science; conflicts of interest; principles, codes, and practices to promote ethics and integrity.

Attendance at all sessions is required for credit.

For more information, email the Advancing Scientific Integrity, Services and Training (ASIST) office at



RCR in Clinical Research Training Program

A semester-long course in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) through the Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) at Duke is taught each spring. This training program at Duke University Medical Center, designed primarily for clinical fellows, provides formal courses in research design, research management, medical genomics, and statistical analysis. The RCR course is an integral part of the overall training program. For more information about the CRTP, visit the CRTP website.