Trent Center faculty and associates engage in bioethics research spanning a wide spectrum of issues: health justice, access to health care resources, economics of clinical research, use of technology, medical decision making, behavioral economics, conflict of interest, and protection of human subjects. They work in various areas including medicine, philosophy, history, law, economics, and global health. These disciplines inform their rigorous examination of critical issues that are constantly evolving with new biotechnology, medical discoveries and changing health care systems.
Farr Curlin - medicine, ethics and religion, relationship of physicians' moral traditions and commitments on their clinical practice, palliative care
Doriane Coleman - law pertaining to women, children, medicine, and sports; sex and its evolving definition in and out of science and medicine
Krista Haines - surgery, clinical ethics
Jennifer Hawkins - research ethics, nature of coercion and individual decision-making, informed consent, well-being, quality of life
Nicole Larrier - pediatric malignancies, sarcomas and tumors of the bone and related ethical issues
Monica Lemmon - shared decision making, parent outcomes after neonatal illness, and parent-clinician communication
Valerie Sabol - nursing, geriatrics, focus on obsesity along with physical function and mobility
Patrick Smith - bioethics, social ethics, Black Church studies, and philosophical theology
Gopal Sreenivasan - philosophy, distributive justice and health, process of informed consent, international bioethics
Kearsley Stewart - research ethics of HIV/AIDS clinical trials in Africa, HIV testing for adolescents in Zimbabwe, global health pedagogy, and global health humanities
Peter Ubel - medicine and behavioral science, informed consent, shared decision making, heath care cost containment