Frank Neelon, MD
Associate Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Endocrinology
Duke University School of Medicine
Medical Director, Rice Diet Healthcare Program
Faculty Associate, Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine
Frank Neelon, MD came to Duke as an intern in Medicine in 1962, and except for three years at the National Institutes of Health, he has remained at or around Duke since. Now retired from the Divisions of Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine, he remains active at Duke with the Osler Literary Roundtable. His interest in and admiration of Sir William Osler and things Oslerian led to his service as the 38th President of the American Osler Society in 2008-2009, and continues today. He was an instigator and organizer of the two Poetry in Medicine national conferences held at Duke in 2004 and 2010. At present, he serves as a member of the Trent Center's La Pluma writing group’s coaching and editing team with Drs. Brian Quaranta and Sneha Mantri.