Gregg Robbins-Welty, MD, MS, HEC-C is a PGY-5 and chief resident of the combined internal medicine and psychiatry residency program at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Robbins-Welty obtained his medical doctorate and a master’s in clinical research at the University of Pittsburgh, where he will return for palliative medicine fellowship in 2024. He is an awardee of the Association of Medicine and Psychiatry Fenton Med/Psych resident-of-the-year award, a FASPE fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics, the American College of Psychiatrists Laughlin Fellowship, and the American Psychiatric Associations Leadership Fellowship. He serves as the chair-elect of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine’s early career SIG and, locally, as vice-chair of the Duke graduate medical education residency council. Dr. Robbins-Welty is an accredited healthcare ethics consultant (HEC-C) by the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities and is passionate about mental health and end-of-life ethics.